During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch worked diligently to raise awareness and provide guidance on ways to protect oneself from the virus.
The organization distributed essential food supplies to the underprivileged and provided masks to those in need. Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch’s efforts were recognized by the media, who covered the organization’s contributions.
Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch has consistently stood at the forefront of every crisis,
ready to fight back through collective action. Whether it is battling diseases like dengue,
AIDS, or COVID-19, the organization and its team actively engage in resolving community
issues at the grassroots level.
During the pandemic, Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch distributed essential supplies,
including food to 1,000-2,000 individuals, and provided masks and sanitizers. Even during
a time of widespread job loss, the organization’s team came together, working tirelessly to
assist and support the affected population