


Stories Details Delhi

Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch began its journey in the JJ Colony of Khanpur, South Delhi 110062, where approximately 500 women were provided training in sewing and embroidery.

They were also taught basic literacy skills, enabling them to fill out essential forms like bank applications. Additionally, free tuition classes were offered to their children, and an English-speaking course was conducted for the women. The organization educated these women about their legal rights, raised their voices on their behalf, and assisted in obtaining ration cards. They fought against fraudulent ration distributors to ensure women received their rightful share of provisions. Furthermore, job opportunities were provided by coordinating with companies, helping these women develop skills to become capable and self-sufficient, walking alongside others as educated individuals.

This initiative began in 2000 under the leadership of Anila Shukla Ji. Through consistent effort and dedication, in 2014, she established Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch to expand these efforts across India and empower women in need, raising awareness and providing support to women nationwide

In addition to its efforts in South Delhi’s JJ Colony Khanpur, Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch expanded its work to several other areas, including Devli, Sangam Vihar, Pushpa Bhawan, Kalka Ji, South East Delhi’s Madanpur Khadar, and East Delhi’s Shakarpur. Recognizing the rising number of dengue cases, Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch launched an awareness campaign to educate the public about the disease. The organization mobilized local residents from various colonies, organizing rallies to raise awareness about dengue prevention. They informed the community about the ways to protect themselves from dengue and led a concerted effort to combat the disease.

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