




  • by : Admin
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  • April 3, 2016

Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch began its journey in the JJ Colony of Khanpur, South Delhi 110062, where approximately 500 women were provided training in sewing and embroidery. They were also taught basic literacy skills, enabling them to fill out essential forms like bank applications. Additionally, free tuition classes were offered to their children, and an English-speaking course was conducted for the women. The organization educated these women about their legal rights, raised their voices on their behalf, and assisted in obtaining ration cards.

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  • by : Admin
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  • April 3, 2016

Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch expanded its work to Haryana, where they conducted a survey to understand the challenges faced by women in the region. The survey revealed that women in Haryana face significant difficulties in finding employment due to a lack of education.

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  • by : Admin
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  • April 3, 2016

Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch extended its efforts in Rajasthan by providing education and stationery to underprivileged children, many of whom were engaged in begging or scavenging. The organization gave them a vision and a direction to improve their future. To protect these children from the cold, Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch distributed blankets in Jaipur. This initiative was also covered by the media.

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  • by : Admin
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  • April 3, 2016

Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch has been actively involved in campaigns such as Clean India in Uttar Pradesh, including Ghaziabad, Prayagraj, and Noida, raising awareness among numerous individuals. The organization has consistently participated in every campaign, aligning its efforts with the times and contributing to India’s development from the very beginning.

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  • by : Admin
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  • April 3, 2016

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch worked diligently to raise awareness and provide guidance on ways to protect oneself from the virus. The organization distributed essential food supplies to the underprivileged and provided masks to those in need. Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch’s efforts were recognized by the media, who covered the organization's contributions.

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  • by : Admin
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  • April 3, 2016

Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch has also worked in Assam, where the organization focused not only on women and child welfare but also on cow service and protection. Our organization has always been dedicated to working towards the overall welfare of society in every possible way.

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  • by : Admin
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  • April 3, 2016

Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch has also made significant contributions in Bihar, particularly focusing on child education. In Chhapra, Bihar, the organization initiated a school named Pavani School. Approximately 50-60 children were enrolled in this school. During the survey, it was discovered that many children were not attending school. Upon further investigation, it was found that the lack of teachers and their inconsistent attendance was preventing children from receiving an education.

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