


Stories detail Rajasthan

Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch extended its efforts in Rajasthan by providing education and stationery to underprivileged children, many of whom were engaged in begging or scavenging.

The organization gave them a vision and a direction to improve their future. To protect these children from the cold, Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch distributed blankets in Jaipur. This initiative was also covered by the media.

Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch is not just an NGO; it is a mindset that teaches people how to live. It is a vision that inspires individuals to dream and a form of support that gives hope, helping people realize that they can achieve things they never thought possible.

In its mission to brighten the future of around 200-300 children, Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch provided education, taught them how to read and write, facilitated their school admissions, and emphasized the importance of education. Along with this, Bhartiya Mahila Kamgar Manch also launched a Women’s Skill Development School, where 100-150 women were trained and educated.

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